IMG_0876  Woke up in the tent, I heard the birds singing. There was an outstanding call attracted me to leave my sleeping bag in such a freezing morning. I brought my camera and went to find the bird. I found it but it was very high in the tree so I couldn’t see it clearly. It didn’t disappoint me because I took great pictures of starlings. They looked gorgeous this time. The first time I knew starlings was in Opotiki. They looked aggressive. Their call sounded like the bombs were tossed in the sky. When there were lots of starlings singing at dusk, it sounded like the mini war.


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We cycled again from Opotiki. The first day riding wasn't too bad.

I have known there was a steep hill. I felt good to ride again, even I wasn't like to ride in the damp weather.

My legs were sore. We stayed in the holiday park which had a hot pool. After cycling all day, it was so released to soak in the hot pool.

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3/2 最後一天整理行李, 上次從捷安特拿回來的紙箱太小, 完全裝不下有前後車架的腳踏車,

在緊要關頭老是會出一點狀況, 雖然忐忑不安, 我就不信問遍左營和楠梓的車店, 都找不到

60吋長的紙箱, 終於問了三家車店, 兩家資源回收場之後找到了, 回家包裝好腳踏車,


非常仔細, 讓我打包順利.


第一次帶腳踏車出國, 一開始以為很快可以準備好, 說不定還可以去台東練練腿力,

結果因為說要幫我組車的人遲遲沒有消息,終於在剩最後兩週, 我狗急跳牆,

在網路上找到車, 整個過程是有驚無險. 然後以為馬航運腳踏車是另外算, 

不包含在20kg checked luggage裡面, 誰知打電話去小港機場發現腳踏車

是checked luggage, 我的腳踏車包好都超過15公斤了吧,

那我還能帶什麼呀?! 氣得快心臟病發, 還打電話到馬來西亞去確認,

仍無功而返, 再次上馬航網站才知是自己搞錯, 所謂腳踏車另外算,

15kg以下單程35歐元只適用於歐洲地區, 媽的真是巧立名目, 單車旅行的人

除非是遇到海不能騎, 誰會用飛機運呀!

身為弱勢族群就是會被欺負, 真是一波未平一波又起.

最後小港機場的莊先生同意讓我免費攜帶25kg行李, 那還是不夠,

於是我捨棄帳篷, 我想還是會超過25kg, 只能祈禱明天闖關成功,

莊先生大發慈悲, 要不然每1公斤加1000元, 我又不是爆發戶.



一切差不多準備妥當了, 我打電話跟家人話別, 忽然有點捨不得, 我猜等我雙腳踩在紐西蘭的國土,

吸著濃濃羊騷味的空氣, 心裡就會感到踏實了. 走吧!

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想要記下買了什麼牌子的東西, 使用過後覺得好不好, 讓自己不要浪費, 以後買東西也有個依循.

1. giant 防水馬鞍袋, 前袋+後袋~1000+2000=3000

2. lafuma 防水防風保暖手套~1020

3. foftsun, spar的吸濕排汗衫~600+600=1200

4. traveller Gore-Tex外套~free約10000 

5. gunze 爆暖長褲~1750

6. bossini 雪褲~990

7. 寶雅買的羊毛襪50, 衛生衣99, 媽媽給的厚褲襪

8. black rain 刷毛衣兩件~1350

9. merida 安全帽~400

10. metroasis 充氣睡墊~880

11. 百岳 充氣枕頭~300

12. cat eye 碼表~950

13. giant 旅行車~10000


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今天去剪頭髮, 班尼說如果我們要開按摩店, 他想投資.

說要幫我們組車的陳叔叔有認識出版商, 鼓勵我們寫遊記, 說不定我們有出書的機會.

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