目前分類:Art (2)

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I was shocked because it was packed in the small exhibition rooms.

I intended to follow the comments but I couldn't because there were too many people around the guide.
I was disappointed and felt sick to be in a crowd.
I really dislike being so close to strangers.
I couldn't take a single step.
I was annoyed when people bumped into me.

The paintings were hung very close together, so it made people even more crowded.
I calmed down eventually.
I listened to the guide til I had enough information and then went to see the paintings I skipped.
Van Gogh studied hard by himself and made great progress in a short time.
I like his short and winding strokes in the oil paintings.
I like his bright colours and thick paint.
It looks like there was a passionate fire burning in his heart.
My favourite painting in this exhibition is "Cypress and Two People".
After soaking in Van Gogh's painting for two hours, I was keen to go home.
Sitting on the MRT, I was annoyed again.
Two women were sitting beside me. I was in the middle.
They were chatting across me about cooking.
What the hell! I was sitting right there and they thought I was invisible or what!
 So I switched my seat with one of them,
staring at the ugly and boring scene through the rectangle window.
Shit! Some people just don't care.
Finally I am in my peaceful home.

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My tutor told me we got the Aboriginal's paintings exhibition after it had finished.

I hate him.

I would go for sure.

I would be extremely happy if I could see the arts especially from Balgo.

There are many Aboriginal's paintings in the huge land.

How lucky I could work in Balgo and how lucky their arts could come here.

What a huge shame that I missed it.  

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