難得出遊, 因為貓咪的關係選了侯硐, 因為想親近大自然選了十分瀑布, 在侯硐拍了很多貓咪寫真, 跟動物相處總是很好玩,
可是到了十分瀑布, 十分失望, 我想親近的大自然只能用看的, 周圍都是人工建造的遊憩設施, 瀑布不壯觀還是其次,
到了戶外卻感受不到心胸開闊, 全身舒暢, 只能一直懷念澳洲的風景. 唯一覺得好的是看到兩隻鮮豔的鳥, 一隻全身黑,
飛的時候才看得到鮮麗的深藍色plumage, 另一隻只看到飛的顏色, 金屬般的青藍色從綠色溪水上方飛過.

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As giving massage, I got some imagination in my mind and it helps me to relax.
When pressing down the back by elbows, I am a sloth moving in a tree slowly.
When massaging the head and neck, I am waving on the sedate sea surface.
When oil massaging, my hands and elbows become snakes, foraging for food.

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昨天買了洋菜粉, 因為之前做優格加甜菜根的dip很多, 想要用一些做果凍, 正在做的時候,
忽然變聰明想到, 優格可以加熱嗎? 所以不打算冒險, 改拿咖啡粉來做咖啡凍,
常常想要做A結果變成B, 沒想到10克的洋菜粉要加1200cc的水, 等於四個大碗保鮮盒.
又多產了一樣食物, 又要吃不完囉! 結果好不好吃呢? 晚上就知道了...
答案是~不怎麼好吃, 因為不夠甜, 然後我不喜歡脆脆的口感.

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I was upset yesterday. As washing a bitch's feet, she murmured to a silly and fat guy who came with her.
I knew it. I could sense it's something against me. It got on my nerves. The fire of anger started burning in my body.
When I finished, I went to the sink, poured the water. Meanwhile the bitch went to the reception.
I knew what's going on now. Again. Discrimination. This time I just couldn't stand it anymore. 
My adrenalin was going. I went toward the reception with extremely anger.
Then I forced myself calm and said "Are you going to change a masseuse?!" She said "Yes."
I said to the receptionist "That's fine. I don't want to massage her!"
Then I went into the restroom. Shit! Fuck you! Bitch! I could not calm down. I needed to kill someone. I wanted to shout.
One minute later, the receptionist came and said "Could you massage the guy and another masseuse massage the woman?
The cosmetologist has convinced them to stay." I said "So they wanted to cancel?! Just let them go, I don't want to massage them!"
Later, she came again, I knew I was troubling her so I took it. Shit! Nosy cosmetologist.

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